Boie'nen Ostong Lauyay LOGO





βuhi Online aims to contribute to the promotion and propagation of small-town values and traditions in the world wide web of the Internet; and to offer opportunities especially to Boie’nen and related individuals so they may readily share and access Buhi-related information and cyber-communication facilities.


βuhi Online envisions individuals and communities of Boie’nen who are empowered, self-governing and self-sustaining; and who have control over their lives and are equally able to share the benefits of the Internet for the fullest development of their human and community potentials.

D.E.S.K. Strategy

Develop and maintain Buhi Online @ as the main Internet portal for Buhi-related materials, information, activities and link to the world-wide-web.

Enlist the support and free services of Boienen and related persons for the continuing maintenance and operation of Buhi Online and demonstrate the potentials of bayanihan spirit or virtue of voluntary community involvement and service in the world of cyberspace.

Support persons, groups or movements that advocate the propagation, protection and preservation of Buhi’s common good and heritage; encourage environmental activism to bring to local, national and global attention Buhi’s environmental and other heritage protection, preservation and development priorities.

Keep promoting the virtues of community cohesiveness and solidarity and environmental protection and management; sustain networking activities to increase the capacity and opportunity of individuals and groups in influencing positive public opinion and policy.


Buhi Online (BOL) does not at the moment involve itself in fund raising activities.

In the future if it embarks on projects that need funding it will do so in complete transparency and accountability particularly to its donors.

BOL will first publish its intent and plans in its websites and will specifically name its authorized persons or other legal entities that it entrusts to represent it for any fund-raising activity.

Full accounting and reporting of all fund raising activities will be made readily available in its websites for all its members and particularly donors.

BOL will not accept contribution that will bind it to espouse or support activities outside its stated MISSION and VISION Statements above.



The Philippines is a country of many religious festivities which every region, city or town would celebrate with great jubilance and fanfare.Our town of Buhi is no exception. Popularly known as Pintakasi, this annual event is Buhi’s biggest religious festival.Pintakasi’s primary purpose is to venerate our town’s patron saints and to reaffirm religious faith and devotion to God.What is also significant about this event is that it is an occasion for people to renew and strengthen their family – the opportune time for people to keep in touch and maintain kinship.The logic of Buhi Online is the logic of the Pintakasi. Both share a common purpose, to connect people.

Buhi Online provides the venue and forum for Boienen in various parts of the world to participate in the celebration of what is good about us as a people and our town – Buhi.

It is a place where we have the freedom to share ideas, showcase our talents and creativity, to be entertained by Boienen’s own brand of humor, or perhaps even laugh at our own silliness or idiosyncrasies.

The Pintakasi, just like the Internet, is a lively and colorful mixture of people with varying tastes, traits, likes and dislikes. Both provide a place where people exchange ideas, sentiments, hopes and dreams.

In the mish-mash of the World Wide Web, Buhi Online aims to bring Boie’nens closer together in the hope that through our collective efforts, resources and aspirations, we can weave a fabric that is strong, durable and that will last a longtime.

An invisible fabric that will protect, preserve and showcase our town’s valued traditions and unique heritage. A fabric that will serve as a banner of our own crusade to save our beloved town’s threatened resources.

Buhi Online is akin to the lowly PURAO of the parasarap. It is an effective tool for gathering the SINARAPAN, the tiniest commercial fish in the world.

This otherwise obscure fish will have a chance to be brought to the world stage so it can be saved from extinction, with our collective efforts and resources.

I am proud to say that through Buhi Online, cyber-voluntarism came into being.

The proof rests upon our fellow Boienen who gave their time, efforts and not to mention, financial support to bring this maiden publication to fruition. These individuals, including myself, are proud of our personal achievements and heritage.

We share one common denominator — the love for our town, Buhi and its people.

Buhi Online has already made its first major achievement. It has connected Boienen people from all over the world.

The next significant achievement that I am hoping for, is to bring these people’s ideas, hopes and aspirations – back home.

On behalf of Buhi Online’s staff members and friends, I welcome you HOME!


Al Claveria
May 2000



One response to “MANENENGED”

  1. kari kinney Avatar
    kari kinney

    Al, Remember when?. I was part of the creation Buhi Online Magazines back in year 2000.

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